3 Things to Know Before You Live Alone

I am not ashamed to say that I still live with my mother. In fact, I think more people should take advantage of living with their parents for as long as they can. Not only will it help you save money, but you can also spend more time with them for as long as they’ve got left. However, you chose this post because you are inquiring about living alone, or you have already taken steps to do so. There are an ample amount of things that you should know before living alone. Here are a few of those things.

Credit History

You will need a credit history to get your own apartment. If you have bad credit or no credit history, you will most likely need a co-signer. If you have bad credit, it’s essential to work on raising your credit score first so that you aren’t stuck with a high-security deposit or stuck in your current living situation for longer than you need to be. Doing things like paying bills on time can raise your score. Paying off any debt you have can increase your score tremendously. 

If you need a co-signer, you will need to see who will sign with you. Asking someone to co-sign is a huge commitment and shouldn’t be taken lightly. When you ask someone to co-sign with you, they are promising to pay when you can’t. If you cannot get a co-signer, you should check to see a guarantor signing service near you. If those options fail, see if you can pay a higher security deposit or a certain amount of front rent instead.


Before even searching for apartments, you should have some savings available. This should cover 3 months of living expenses and moving expenses. When you budget, you should be thinking about what you need. Will you be moving furniture? How much is a moving service? Will you be buying new furniture there, or will you be buying secondhand? How much are you willing to spend on the items you need? 

Having a budget is very important. Think about the space you are going to move into. What is the most important for you to have on move-in day? Prioritize that. You can always buy what you need later.


If you are thinking about relocating to a new city, you really need to factor in moving expenses into your budget. Having things like a job verification letter can really help with your apartment search too. It shows how much you are making with this new job and shows your potential landlord. I recommend securing a job in a new city before apartment searching.

There are just a few things to think about and know before living alone. Living alone can be exciting and scary all at once. But I hope these tips prompted you to think about what steps you need to take to do what you need to do. Living alone is very freeing. I have done it. And whose company is better than your own? Have anything else people should know before living alone? Comment below.

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